October is a notoriously scary month—ghosts, goblins, and ghouls are everywhere you look. Little did I know that Friday, October 13, 2023, would be one of the scariest days of my life because of something unrelated to Halloween.
I was visiting my parents for a brief vacation when my dad, who had been complaining of a sore throat, came home from a doctor’s appointment. In pure dad fashion, he grunted as he sank into his leather recliner, looked at me, and said, “So…I have cancer.” It wasn’t the delivery that surprised me, as it’s typical for my dad to speak in such blunt, black-and-white terms. It was the loud, crushing silence that reverberated in my ears afterward that surprised me. Why was everything so quiet? “Cancer? No. That’s not right. He’s healthy. Sure, a little extra weight around his middle, but I blame potato chips for that. There’s no way he could have cancer.”
The Moment of Diagnosis
I’m pretty sure I stared at him for a full minute before I burst out crying. Cancer. That word is tough for anyone to hear. It’s loaded. It’s different for everyone, but one thing that’s consistent is that it brings fear to anyone who hears it—patient and non-patient alike. Like I said, it’s way scarier than any Halloween haunted house. My dad, despite never being a smoker, has throat cancer. His is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Obviously, someone was playing a joke. I knew there must be a “Boo!” coming shortly. Unfortunately, I never did hear that ghostly exclamation.
What Is HPV, Really?
HPV can cause a wide range of issues, from warts all the way to full-blown cancer. There are more than 200 different varieties of HPV and 13 of those can potentially lead to cancer. The most common type linked to HPV is cervical cancer. Notably, nearly all cervical cancers are caused by HPV infections but it can take years, even decades, to develop and rear its ugly head. Since cervical cancer can only affect those born with a uterus, most assume this virus is only dangerous for women. Unfortunately, that isn’t true.
HPV and Throat Cancer in Men
From an early age, we were taught that smoking is the biggest cause of throat and lung cancer. Tar and tobacco enter your throat and lungs and slowly suffocate you. Even the pictures of lungs from those who have smoked versus lungs who haven’t still haunt the back of my eyelids when I sleep. Yet, my dad, who has never smoked—no cigarettes, no cigars, no pipes, and no cannabis—was diagnosed with throat cancer. How is that even possible?
The increasing rate of oropharyngeal (head and neck) cancers in men is rising drastically. In just 10 years, more men than women will develop cancer related to HPV. It can lie dormant in the body for 10 or 20 years, sometimes longer. It is spread not just sexually but through kissing as well. As much as any kid hates to think about their parents’ romantic history, we must acknowledge that they were once young and hip. A picture of my dad in a cream-and rust-colored cardigan, posing next to the door of his maroon Corvette and sporting a handlebar mustache, comes to mind. Apparently, that was cool back then. (I still fail to see the appeal—love ya, Dad!)

While HPV has been around for decades, not a lot of information was available in the 1970s. Once a vaccine was developed and licensed in 2006, the CDC started recommending it to non–sexually active girls 11 to 26 years of age to help combat cervical cancer. It wasn’t until 5 years later that teen boys were added to that recommendation. At that point, HPV had already been established as a “women’s issue” to the general public. Today, the CDC recommends getting the shot regardless of sexual activity and has even expanded the age range to include those up to 45 years of age after discussions with a healthcare provider.
Facing the Unknown
So, when my dad in his leather recliner said he had HPV in his throat, I was already skeptical. Obviously, I’m not a doctor, but my generation was told the risks of HPV were only a concern for women. As he discussed his diagnosis, I did what any millennial would do—WebMD-ed that stuff and got to work learning as much as I could. As weeks went by, a plan was made to start radiation and see how his cancer responded. Slowly, the cancer in his throat reacted well to the treatment, but news that it had spread to his lungs was especially hard to hear. His new favorite saying was, “I’m the healthiest sick person you’ll ever meet.” He continued about his daily life with little to no downtime and was still able to putz around the house, fixing things and washing his Corvette (not the original maroon one but a brand-new silver one that goes way too fast for someone over the age of 65).

Food for Thought…
HPV isn’t necessarily a death sentence, but it isn’t something to be taken lightly either. As my dad continues to battle cancer, his throat is clear but his lungs are still dotted with tumors. He’s started chemotherapy, and, while it isn’t fun, we are optimistic that he will beat HPV-related cancer and continue to drive his very loud Corvette for many more years to come, much to the frustration of his neighbors.
The two things that this diagnosis has taught me are:
While the month of October will forever be a bit haunted for me, HPV-related cancers are a scary reality that can affect anyone. Using this knowledge to identify early signs of trouble so that you can alert your doctors can turn this fear into hope. As my family, especially my dad, continues to learn about and fight this cancer, keep yourself and your loved ones as safe and protected as you can.